PEAXACT Quickstart for Spinsolve Users

Welcome to PEAXACT - Software for Quantitative Spectroscopy! Are you a Magritek customer and new to PEAXACT? Or do you want to refresh your knowledge on working with NMR data? This page supplies you with useful information on how to get started quickly.

Organizing files from multiple subfolders
Learn what it takes to enjoy working with your data.

Tutorial: Quantitative NMR
Get hands-on experience with NMR data from a 43 MHz Magritek instrument.

Tutorial: Peak Integration
Learn how to calculate peak areas and custom results.

PEAXACT Quickstart
Take an online tour and learn from a wide range of tutorials.

Spectral Hard Modeling approach on NMR
Find out the benefits of applying our approach.


Need help? Don’t hesitate to contact support at We are happy to assist you!



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